You gotta love it when a plan comes together! A huge thanks to each and every one of you who has supported this project with your gifts of stories, artwork, photographs, expertise, time and gold money to purchase a book. The Deadhead Stories Board allocates 100% of the net proceeds of this endeavor to worthy charities — and because of you, we have been able to make monthly charity donations.
One organization we are donating to is the Rex Foundation, which aims to help secure a healthy environment, promote individuality in the arts, provide support to critical and necessary social services, assist others less fortunate than ourselves, protect the rights of indigenous people and ensure their cultural survival, build a stronger community, and educate children and adults everywhere.
We were delighted to learn from Rex Foundation Board Member Deborah Solomon that our donations helped to support some fantastic endeavors — with a wide variety of intentions and areas of impact, from Youth Beat, which provides free digital media training, development and employment opportunities in the media industry for students in Oakland, CA to Farm to Pantry, a non-profit who fights food waste and food insecurity by engaging volunteer gleaners to harvest and deliver excess produce. Check out the full list of Rex Foundation’s September 2019 Grantees on the Rex Foundation’s blog.
Keep up the miracle-making, Family! What a difference we can make when we pool our resources.