For the Fans, From the Fans
Welcome to DeadheadStories.org, a place to be you, with a smile. In December 2017, a merry band of Pranksters of all ages and stripes embarked on a mission to share and preserve Deadhead history, from the perspective of the fans. What emerged is Deadhead Stories, a book built by love. Woven from the freely donated contributions of story tellers, photographers, artists, editors, a graphic designer, and thousands of kind folks from around the globe, the 356-page coffee-table book published on May 12, 2019 and Sold Out 3 printing. Book 2 “Bound to cover just a little more ground” Which has been selling just as fast.
Deadhead Stories is the first project of Laughing Water, which is deadicated to enriching the Grateful Dead Family by engaging crowd-sourced ideas that add value to our community, not only through the proceeds they generate or meeting the need they seek to address, but also through the magic created when we collectively endeavor to manifest an idea. 100% of the net proceeds from sales of the book and supporting merchandise are allocated to worthy charities including The Jerry Garcia Foundation, the SEVA Foundation and the Rex Foundation for book 1 book Sweet Relief Music fund and WhyHunger
We invite you to join us on a trip down so many storied roads…Book 2 “Bound to cover just a little more Ground” has been selling fast. Get your copy before it’s sold out.