Hey Now, Family.
We’re starting the bus back up for Book 2, Deadhead Stories: Bound to Cover Just a Little More Ground! Welcome aboard: there is a seat for everyone. As with Book 1, we’ll begin by getting the legal paperwork out of the way. Stories from the Book 1 submission period will be considered for Book 2. So, if you have made a contribution of any kind (stories, photos, comments) at any time through our closed Facebook Group, Deadhead Stories Wanted, keep reading for the low-down on contributor releases.
1. Submitting a signed release DOES NOT mean you’re in the book. Included contributors will be notified before publication, with more details coming out on that process as we develop our production schedule. We are casting a wide net up front for three reasons:\
(a) Not only stories made Book 1, many comments also made it in. More releases = more copy for us to consider;
(b) In Book 1, we did not receive releases from some authors and had to pull their stories. Back-up releases helped us quickly find new stories to fill in;
(c) Herding cats through organized chaos takes time.
2. No material will be included without a signed release. We need the release to legally take anything off of Facebook and to use it in the published book and related marketing materials, including on deadheadstories.org. This rule WILL NOT be broken. We dropped a number of stories from Book 1 due to no release.
3. You may use your alias or your real name. This came in handy for some, as can be seen throughout Book 1.
4. If the material doesn’t belong to you, don’t sign a release. We have to check for plagiarism and pursue any copyright concerns, so please make sure it is your’s to release.
5. The Administrator and Moderators in the Facebook Group, Deadhead Stories Wanted, need permission to contact you. If there is a reason why you need stealth mod, please write Dan Guliano at submissions@deadheadstories.organd let him know. We will be deleting members who still have this access shut off. Sorry, but that hurt us last book, so not this book.
6. We will contact you directly if we want to use your artwork and photos to be used. We need a high-resolution file (300 dpi, or ideally, higher). Photos taken off of Facebook are only 75 dpi and will not work. If you found your photo on Facebook, please tell us right away when contacted so we can find something else to use. Photos can be sent back by email, or see below for an upload option.
7. We will help you in any way, shape or form to secure your release. If we have to e-mail or snail mail it to you, we will. We just need to know what works for you, but please, try one of these methods first:
(a) Download the release as a fillable PDF document.
This file can be read and filled out and signed digitally using the free software, Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (follow this link to download). Open the file in Acrobat Reader and then click in the text boxes and type in. To sign it, click the “Fill & Sign” button in the right pane. We recommend selecting “Draw” and then drawing your signature using your mouse or a touch screen. You can also select “Image” if you’d like to sign a piece of paper, scan it with a scanner, and then add your written signature to Adobe Reader. After creating a signature, click “Apply” to apply it to the document. Click here for an article on how to sign PDFs.
(b) Download the release as a Microsoft Word document.
This file can be filled in using Microsoft Word or printed and filled in using pen. Then either take a photo of the completed release or scan it.
(c) Cut and paste the text below, then follow the directions for (b) above to prepare the signed file to send.
Dead Head Stories
Release and Authorization. I, , the undersigned, authorize the use of my donated work and/or photographs for possible inclusion in published works tentatively called and referred to between the parties hereto as “Dead Head Stories,” “Deadhead Stories,” “Deadhead Stories: Bound to Cover Just a Little More Ground,” or “Deadheadstories.org.”
I verify that the story submitted is my own original, factual story and that I am the owner or licensee of all stories, photographs, images, and any other items I submit for Dead Head Stories (hereinafter called “content”). I further verify I have represented to Dan Guliano that all of my submitted content is my own, that I am aware of no copyright violations, and that I have obtained all necessary permissions before submitting said content to Dan Guliano and/or any individuals and entities working on the publication of Dead Head Stories (collectively referred to as “Dead Head Stories”).
I understand and agree that there will be no monetary remuneration for the use of my submitted content. I understand that Dead Head Stories is a non-profit venture, and proceeds go to the materials needed for printing, T-Shirts and shipping costs, after which, all net proceeds will be allocated by the Dead Head Stories Board to worthy charities.
I understand and agree that this Release and Authorization extends to any further proceedings from this project and that Dead Head Stories does not need to secure my permission prior to publication or use of any part of my contents, including, but not limited to, my stories, comments, artwork, photographs and any other submitted materials. Further proceedings may include, but are not limited to film, movies, “Best of” publications, and other distilled content. Dead Head Stories reserves the right to edit my content for length or other general publishing purposes, without changing the nature of the submitted content.
Submission Credit. In Dead Head Stories materials, I understand that I may use my real name or a “Pen Name” alias. I understand that if any other participant in Dead Head Stories chooses the same Pen Name, a number will be attached to delineate any duplicate Pen Names and yours can be provided upon request. Whether or not I elect to use a Pen Name, I also agree that if required or requested for non-Dead Head Stories materials (e.g. for record setting in The Guinness Book of World Records), my real name will be provided and/or published.
Hold Harmless. I hold Dan Guliano and Dead Head Stories harmless against any claims or suits arising from the use or nature of my said submitted content. I further agree I will indemnify Dan Guliano and Dead Head Stories against all expenses, damages, or losses arising from any claims or disputes related to the use of my submitted content by Dead Head Stories.
Submitted by (Full Name)________________________________________
Alias (leave blank if not using one) _________________________________
Signature __________________________________
Date ______________________
Contact Telephone______________________________
E-mail Address ________________________________
Mailing Address _______________________________________________________________
8. Please return your SIGNED release as soon as possible! It can be returned by either of these methods:
(a) Send it as an email attachment to submissions@deadheadstories.org.
(b) By snail mail to:
Dead Head Stories/Merlin Mercury Non-Profit
3115 Grove Road, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410

Email submissions@deadheadstories.org or call me at 561-396-3632.
Thank you for your involvement in Deadhead Stories!