Deadhead Stories is more than a single book. It’s a community of kind folks who have gathered on Facebook to share their stories of road and to preserve the history of our Grateful Family for the seven generations to come. With 6000 members and growing, visiting that page is like being at a show with all of your friends.
Come on over and spin us a tale! Together we can share the fun and the flashbacks.
Visit us at Deadhead Stories Wanted on Facebook to become a member.
We have very few rules to guide, but we ask that all members respect them:
No Promotions or Spam
Give more than you take to Deadhead Stories. Self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links are not allowed.
Personal Stories Only
This group is different. We only accept and collect personal stories from tour life, seeing and following the Grateful Dead (and off shoot bands, i.e. Further, Dead and Company, etc.).
No Non-Story Related Posts
We don’t want sharing links from YouTube, memes, articles, photos, pages, business listings, etc. *Especially if you haven’t included a personal story to accompany you post.
Credit the Artist
If you post a photo or any other link, you must include an artist or source credit.